Rară Neagră (Băbească Neagră)

Rară Neagră (Băbească Neagră)

An old wine grape bringing a long history, dating back thousands of years, Băbească Neagră (also Rară Neagră) is a red grape variety (and wine) with origins in Romania/Moldova, cultivated largely in these two countries, but also in Ukraine and the United States, where it is called Sereksiya Chernaya ("Black Sereksiya").

Băbească Neagră is known under different names in Romania, as Caldărușa, Rășchirata, Crăcănata just to name few. The name Băbească Neagră comes from the Romanian words "old lady's black".
Rară Neagră, how it is called in Moldova, means "Black rare" and became famous in 18th-19th centuries, being one of the Purcari red blends winning gold medal at Paris Exhibition 1878.
Rară Neagră has similarities with grapes such as Pinot Noir, Cadarca, Zweigelt, Gamay, St. Laurent or Blaufränkisch.

Origins and geographic presence
Scientific studies show that the red grape of Rara Neagra was grown in the area of Moldova and Romania since ancient times. According to Revino Romania, the specialists consider that "the birthplace of this traditional Romanian grape, descending directly from the wild vine, is Nicoresti vineyard, Galati County", in the eastern Romania. From this area, the cultivation of this grape has expanded in all directions, in Republic of Moldova (former Bessarabia), and through all Romanian wine regions, from Prut to Banat, via Dealu Mare and Dobrogea.

Andrei Popa, sommelier and owner of Dor de Vin, mentions that the Romanian variety Băbeasca Neagră is the second indigenous grape in Romania, with approximately 2590 hectares of plantations.
Wine of Moldova estimates Rară Neagră vineyards in Moldova at 100-110 ha. In Moldova, the grape has populated especially the southeastern part of the country, which coincides with Stefan Voda PGI (protected geographical indication).
The varieties ripen between the mid-September and the beginning of October. Rară Neagră is very sensitive to frosts, but seldom affected by fungi and insects.
Wine styles and aromas
Even though cultivating Rară Neagră is not easy and requires much manual effort, Moldovan and Romanian winegrowers have succeeded, as through their expertise, we can enjoy an elegant, light and balanced dry red wine from this noble grape.

Wines obtained from Rară Neagră are of ruby color, velvety and full body, with fine tannins, dominant aromas of rose hip flower, red currant, wild blackberry but also with notes of dark chocolate and dried plums.
Andrei Popa describes Băbească Neagră wine as "light and fruity, aromatic, due to its high acidity makes it suitable for the production of sparkling wines". By applying specific wine-making techniques and maturing in wooden barrels, "this variety can acquire a more pronounced character and a more intense color. Unmodified, Băbeasca Neagră wine gives a translucent red color, due to the fact that its large grain does not provide enough pigments to produce a deeper color in relation to the size of the pulp. Therefore, the wines obtained from Băbeasca Neagră naturally have a ruby-violet color. The predominant aromas are those of red fruits, especially cherries and sour cherries, characteristics that we also find in the vibrant taste of the wine, influenced by the high acidity and the low presence of tannins". Notably, Andrei recommends few Romanian Băbească Neagră wines from Vinarte Romania and Domeniile Panciu (Panciu Domains).
According to JancisRobinson.com, Rară Neagră or Băbească Neagră "tends to make pale, light-bodied, fruity red wines with notable acidity and a characteristic sour cherry note".

Taste of Rară Neagră wine is deep and rich, with a long aftertaste, which pairs greatly with roasted and baked meat (duck dishes, pork steaks, veal schnitzel, or any grill), even with spicy sauce. Rară Neagră would fit good with pasta with chilies and black olives, or mushroom stuffed meat, and cheeses.
The optimal serving temperature for it is between 12-14 °C, slightly cooler than most red wines.

International Awards - Rară Neagră (pure 100% and blends)
Decanter (only gold medals):

  • DWWA 2023: Chateau Purcari, Maluri de Prut
  • DWWA 2022: FAUTOR WINERY , Aurore Rară Neagră and Chateau Purcari, Academia Rară Neagră
  • DWWA 2021: Chateau Purcari, Nocturne Rară Neagră

Frankfurt International Trophy: FAUTOR WINERY, Aurore Rara Neagra - Grand Gold 2019

Concours International de Lyon - World's Best Products Competition:
  • FAUTOR WINERY, Aurore Rara Neagra - Gold 2020
  • Chateau Purcari,1827 Rara Neagra de Purcari - Gold 2023
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) 2023 (Gold):
  • Carlevana Winery LTD, Rara Neagra 2020
  • Salcuta Wine, Epizod rara Neagra 2020

70 Gold awards for Rară Neagră from 2016 to 2023 at Deutsche Wein Marketing contests (Asia Wine trophy, Berlin Summer/Winter Tastings, Portugal Wine Trophy). In 2023 only, there were 11 gold medals, won by several Moldovan wineries (Castel Mimi Winery & Resort, Purcari Winery, Apriori Wine)...

Instead of conclusion
For me, Rară Neagră (or Băbească Neagră) wine is, indeed, an "ignored beauty", standing out for its unique and wonderful character. It invites you in a journey to discover its taste and uniqueness, a reflection over the special style, flavor and complexity. It has an excellent aging potential under proper storage conditions, as it can evolve gratefully through the years.
In the last decades, Rară Neagră became a national "symbol" of Moldova, a characteristic Moldovan wine for domestic wineries. Rich history for a rich and bold wine, a nation identity, which is more and more recognized at the international wine events.

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