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Russia's Alcohol Trends: Imports Up, Exports Down, Production Soars

The latest trends in Russia's alcohol market - imports rise but exports decline.

In 2023, Russia witnessed a notable increase in the total volume of imported alcoholic beverages, reaching 102 million dal compared to 96 million dal in 2022, as reported by Igor Alyoshin, head of Ros Alcohol Tobacco Control, quoted by TASS. However, despite this overall increase, there was a decrease in import volumes by 6 million dal over the year, while exports plummeted by 14 million dal, dipping to just over 25 million dal.

In contrast to the declining import-export scenario, the production of alcoholic beverages within Russia itself surged. In the first two months of 2024, there was an 11% increase compared to the same period in 2023, according to the Russian Alcohol Tobacco Control. Every key market segment experienced growth, with vodka production rising by 4.4%, other alcoholic beverages by 5.7%, and wine production demonstrating the most significant growth rate at 27.4% year-on-year.

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