Italy Tuscany Florence Wine Bottles

Italian wine exports: Veneto holds and is still leader in 2023, ahead of Piedmont and Tuscany

The "big" names, instead are all on a decline. Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Abruzzo are growing. Liguria is soaring.

Italian wine exports closed 2023 at a slight decline compared to 2022 (-0.8%), equal to EUR 7.77bn in value.

This figure translates into a scenario of resistance, as well as of health, obviously, in spite of the ongoing challenges and questions about the future. Looking at the results of the individual Regions, according to ISTAT data, analyzed by WineNews, the three "big" Regions, and that is, Veneto, Piedmont and Tuscany, which together add up to 67% of Italian wine exports, are continuing to lose but at different "speeds".

Veneto, at EUR 2.8bn, is still close to its 2022 numbers (-0.2%), while in Piedmont the decline is more substantial (-5.6%) with exports worth EUR 1.21bn, and Tuscany (-4%) is just under EUR 1.19bn.

Behind the three main wine leaders, however, there are Regions that have compensated for the decline. Starting from Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol that has continued to grow, reaching EUR 631.4mn (+3.7%), exceeding 8% of National exports. Emilia-Romagna also did very well (+3%) at EUR 465.8mn, Lombardy (+3.1%) at EUR 327.9mn, and Abruzzo (+6.2%) and EUR 232.4mn. Apulia follows, at number 8 (+4.8%) and 214.7 million euros, then Friuli-Venezia Giulia (+8.4%) at EUR 214.3mn. Sicily closes the top ten at EUR 163.5mn, down 2.3% while Campania collapsed (-21.5%) to EUR 49.7mn and Calabria (-25.7%) slipped below EUR 6mn in the South, including the Islands (-7.4%, Sardinia, just under EUR 24mn), completing the “in the red” list.

However, a positive note comes from Liguria, which even though it represents a minimal portion of Italian wine exports, registered the best performance (+55.8% equal to EUR 23.9mn in value), beating Molise (+17.3%, EUR 7.8mn). Among the top ten regions only the first three (Veneto, Piedmont and Tuscany) and number 10, Sicily, have registered drops, demonstrating that Italian wine is dynamic and boasts many areas growing and getting positive responses from the market.

Source: WineNews

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