France Champagne Vigneyard

The Champagne Region Prepares to Celebrate a Decade of UNESCO World Heritage Recognition in 2025

In 2025, the Champagne region of France is set to mark the tenth anniversary of its prestigious inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

This milestone will be celebrated with a series of festive and cultural events, as well as initiatives aimed at promoting biodiversity, ensuring that the world recognizes and cherishes this iconic winemaking territory.

A Decade of Heritage and Recognition

On July 4, 2015, the vineyards, maisons, and cellars of Champagne were officially inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. This recognition acknowledged the region's historical and cultural significance, as well as its contributions to the world of viticulture. According to Séverine Couvreur, a winegrower and president of the mission tasked with managing this inscription, this milestone marked not the end but the beginning of a journey. It was an affirmation that "this territory has a lot to say to the entire world."

Commemorating the Tenth Anniversary

To celebrate this important anniversary, the Champagne region will emphasize four core values: honor, visibility, transmission, and commitment. The focal point of the celebration will be a grand event in Champillon, in the Marne, scheduled for July 4, 2025. However, the festivities will not be confined to this date alone. A year-long series of initiatives and events will ensure that the global recognition of Champagne’s heritage remains vibrant and celebrated.

Year-Long Celebratory Events

The year 2025 will be packed with activities that showcase Champagne’s rich heritage and ongoing commitment to excellence and sustainability:

  1. January 2025: The festivities will kick off with Champagne's participation in the archconfraternity parade for the feast of Saint Vincent, a significant event that honors the patron saint of winemakers.

  2. October 2025: In line with the annual Villages et Coteaux propres initiative, which promotes the cleanliness and maintenance of vineyards, hedges and rose bushes will be planted. This initiative occurs on the first Saturday in October, immediately following the harvest.

  3. December 2025: The year will culminate with the Habits de Lumières event in Épernay, a dazzling celebration that blends tradition and modernity, illuminating the city's grand avenues and showcasing the region’s cultural vibrancy.

Coordinated Efforts for a Unified Celebration

The mission managing the UNESCO inscription is working closely with local winegrowers and champagne houses to ensure the success of the anniversary celebrations. This collaboration involves regular meetings with key organizations such as the General Union of Winegrowers (SGV) and the Union of Champagne Houses (UMC). These discussions aim to coordinate efforts and promote various initiatives that will highlight the region's heritage and commitment to sustainability.

Winegrowers and champagne houses are encouraged to actively participate in the celebrations. They can incorporate the anniversary logo into their email signatures and point-of-sale (POS) materials, and engage in actions that support heritage preservation or biodiversity. This collective participation is not just about celebrating the UNESCO inscription; it’s about reaffirming a shared commitment to the ongoing stewardship and promotion of the Champagne territory.

A Global Message

The tenth anniversary of Champagne's inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list is an opportunity to share the region's story with the world. Through honor, visibility, transmission, and commitment, Champagne aims to showcase its unique heritage and ongoing dedication to excellence. As the region prepares for a year of celebrations, it invites the global community to join in acknowledging and preserving the legacy of one of the world’s most renowned winemaking regions.

Source: Vinetur

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