Spain Vinespana 2024

Spain: 71 wines reach the Olympus at VINESPAÑA 2024

VINESPAÑA 2024 and the future of Spanish wine.

Going through the doors of the Jumilla Wine Museum, in Murcia, was not just entering a space where the past ferments in the memories of old bottles and barrels that keep centuries-old stories.

From February 29 to March 2, this place became the epicenter of an event that brings together tradition, innovation, and above all, passion for wine: the VI Edition of the VINESPAÑA 2024 National Wine Competition. Organized by the Spanish Association of Oenology, this event has not only consolidated its position as a benchmark in the Spanish wine scene, but has also broken participation records, becoming a launching platform for exceptional wines that reflect the diversity and richness of Spain's vineyards.

With more than 800 samples presented by more than 300 wineries spread throughout the national territory, VINESPAÑA 2024 has proven to be a true feast for the senses. The categories in competition covered a wide spectrum, from the effervescent sparkling and sparkling wines, to the most delicate and complex organic wines, still whites, still rosés, still reds, and a range that extended to include minority varieties, overripe grapes, raisined, liqueur wines and, new this year, Vermouth. This wide range of categories not only underlines the richness of Spanish winemaking but also highlights the sector's openness to exploring and recognizing new trends and tastes.

The tasting and evaluation process of the samples was in the hands of a select group of oenology professionals, both national and international, under the presidency of Luis Buitrón, president of Feae. This team of experts had the arduous task of identifying, among a multitude of proposals, those wines that stood out not only for their intrinsic quality but also for their ability to express the terroir and identity of their origin.

The awarding of VINESPAÑA medals, which are divided into Great Gold, Gold and Silver, goes beyond being a mere recognition. It is a seal of excellence that guarantees the quality and care put into the production of each wine, celebrating the art and science that winemakers and winemakers invest in each bottle. With a total of 554 medals awarded in this edition (71 Great Gold, 259 Gold and 224 silver), the VINESPAÑA awards not only promote a culture of excellence and continuous improvement among producers but also guide consumers towards wines of proven quality.

This year, the event has not only focused on the competition and recognition of the best wines. It has also been an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and, above all, to strengthen ties within the wine community. The participation and exchange between wineries from all regions of Spain reflect a vibrant and diverse industry, but united by a common passion for wine.

The VI Edition of VINESPAÑA has been, without a doubt, a reflection of the dynamism and richness of Spanish winemaking, setting trends and anticipating what the future of wine will be in Spain and in the world. As the global palate becomes more demanding and curious, events like VINESPAÑA are not only vital for the promotion of Spanish wine but also for the exploration of new frontiers in winemaking, ensuring that tradition and innovation go hand in hand. hand towards the future.

Source: Vinetur

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